
Monday, April 4, 2011

Tolerance vs Long-suffering

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. (the Amplified says, to the full, till it overflows)


The word in my house is ABUNDANCE (nothing missing, nothing broken)! I say it all the time, my children say it all the time. I must admit, this is something I have said for a long time and until recently I didn't understand all that it meant. Thanks to Dr Dollar I know what it really means to live life abundantly. His teachings on the blood of Christ is life changing! With this new enlightenment I want to address tolerance versus long-suffering.

According to most thesauri tolerance and long-suffering are used as synonyms. However by definition the words mean very different things. Tolerance is defined as the capacity to endure pain and hardship (in that since it is a synonym) sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own. (That is the difference!) Long-suffering is defined as patiently enduring lasting offense or hardship.

My beef with the words being used as synonyms is as disciples we cannot yield from our belief. Our beliefs must align with the Word of God. God is never changing, He remains the same, thus our beliefs should not bend from His. All to often we go through circumstance because we want to be patient, long-suffering. However, we must ask if we are you confusing long-suffering with tolerance? You may be asking me, what does this have to do with abundance?

That is the beauty of it Beloved, Jesus came that we MAY have life abundantly, but is out choice to accept it and walk in that blessed life. If we as Christians continue to tolerate sin, tolerate illness, tolerant poverty, tolerate any thing less than the best in every area of our life we are limiting the infinite power of the blood of Christ. All too often we allow the world and its so called logic to shape our thinking into doing just that. 

This past weekend, I felt sick. My throat was hurting, my body ached. Being armed with the Word of God I declared I be healed. Christ delivered me from sickness. I felt better immediately. However, today, I suffered from pollen allergies all day. Laying down in the silence, I heard God say, "You tolerate it."  All day I struggled with sinus pressure, breathing, functioning with a headache because "everyone have allergies, it's normal". I would not accept the flu but I willing accepted allergies. I allowed the world to shape my mind to accept sickness, when Jesus already delivered me! Family, don't believe the propaganda the world is dishing. Silence the enemy's outlets that brainwash you into accepting less than God's best for you.

The blood of Christ has freed you, are you choosing to put on the shackles? I pray that you aren't. I challenge you to think about the lies you are accepting as truth and shatter those lies by submerging your mind in the Word of God. Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-- his good, pleasing, and perfect will. 

God will is for you to live in abundance, nothing broken and nothing missing. Accept it and declare it!

What is it you want to declare in your life today? Leave a comment and I will agree in prayer with you. 

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